When studying your scriptures and praying you have a "conversation" with your Heavenly Father. Studying your scriptures is like Him talking to you giving you advice. You praying is you responding to him. I would like you to think how often do I pray or study my scriptures? Are you like friend 3 and I talking awkwardly and only when necessary? Or are you getting his side of the conversation and not responding as much as you should like friend 2? Or are you and Him going back and forth constantly studying and praying like friend 1? Take a moment to think about which one you are.
If you are like friend 3, I encourage you to begin to have your conversation with the Lord. Study your scriptures and pray each morning and evening at the least. I guarantee that by doing this your relationship with your Heavenly Father will increase significantly.
If you are like friend 2 you are half way there, do not stop short. If you are ignoring either of the two parts of the conversation with your Heavenly Father I encourage you to begin to do that task and continue the task you were doing previously. There is no other way to have a conversation with the Lord without both studying and praying. They are essential and go hand in hand. As you do this your relationship with your Heavenly Father will grow.
If you are like friend 1 you are doing tremendously and I encourage you to continue your great work. As you continue to confide in the Lord you will find you growing closer to him.
I would like to bear my testimony that if you pray and study your scriptures you will be blessed. I know that the Lord always has an outstretched hand to us and if we reach out we will once again be with him.
In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
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